Georgia Killcrece
Georgia Killcrece is an SEI alumni employee.
Georgia Killcrece is a Member of the Technical Staff in the CERT Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). She has over seventeen years direct experience within the CERT/CC in developing and transitioning best practices for developing effective incident response teams. Since 1999 Killcrece has led the CERT CSIRT Development Team within the CERT Program. She takes an active role in promoting the development of computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs) worldwide and has worked directly with a number of government, industry, and academic enterprises to facilitate the development of their incident management capabilities. Her team is involved in developing products aimed at evaluating CSIRT capabilities that can be transitioned to the global incident response community. Killcrece is internationally recognized as a leader in CSIRT development activities and has been a guest lecturer and invited speaker at numerous international conferences and government venues. She chaired the 2006 FIRST conference, an international forum representing over 180 government, academia, and industry response teams. Killcrece manages and participates in the creation and delivery of a suite products targeted at creating, managing, and sustaining effective incident management practices, including technical reports, articles, public and on-site training, as well as facilitated workshops focused on CSIRT development. She is an author and contributor to a series of CSIRT documents that define best practice approaches for effective incident response. More information about the CSIRT Development Team is available on the CERT website at Killcrece can be reached directly by email at