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Thank you for reading the 2019 SEI Year in Review. The following resources provide more information about the topics addressed in individual articles in the Year in Review. The Table of Contents presents the 2019 SEI Year in Review article titles followed by their related resources. The list of links at the bottom of the page provide author information and brief summaries for each item.

Go to the 2019 SEI Year in Review.

Table of Contents

SEI Team Wins 2019 ISLA Award

DoD Developer’s Guidebook for Software Assurance - Special Report

Program Manager's Guidebook for Software Assurance - Special Report

SEI Technical Staff Members Win 2019 ISLA Award - SEI News

A Pivotal Moment: AI Engineering for Defense and National Security

AI Engineering: 11 Foundational Practices - White Paper

AI Engineering: 11 Foundational Practices for Decision Makers - SEI Blog

SEI Artificial Intelligence Engineering Roadmap - Video

Defining AI Engineering - Video

AI Engineering - Web Page

Supporting AI Engineering Challenges in the DoD: Summarizing Aerial Surveillance Video

Summarizing and Searching Video: Patterns-of-Life Analysis - Poster

Summarizing and Searching Video: Geometry-Aware Visual Surveillance - Poster

Summarizing and Searching Video: Domain Adaptation - Poster

Summarizing and Searching Video (2019) - Video

Summarizing and Searching Video with Machine Learning - SEI Blog

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks to Bolster AI Analysis of Irregular Data

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks - Poster

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks - Presentation

Graph Convolutional Neural Networks - Video

SEI Collaborations Tackle Big-Data Analytics

Dynamic Parallelism for Simple and Efficient GPU Graph Algorithms - Conference Paper

Design and Implementation of the GraphBLAS Template Library (GBTL) - Presentation

Mathematical Foundations of the GraphBLAS - Conference Paper

Automated Code Generation for High-Performance Graph Libraries - Presentation

Spiral/AIML: Frontiers of Graph Processing in Linear Algebra - Poster

Spiral/AIML: Resource-Constrained Co-Optimization for High-Performance Data-Intensive Computing - Video

GraphBLAS Template Library (GBTL) - Software

Graph BLAS Forum - Web Page

SPIRAL Project Homepage - Web Page

Can We Trust Our Cyber-Physical Systems?

Cyber-Physical Systems - Book

Combining Symbolic Runtime Enforcers for Cyber-Physical Systems - Conference Paper

Have Your PI and Eat it Too: Practical Security on a Low-cost Ubiquitous Computing Platform - Conference Paper

Certifiable Distributed Runtime Assurance in Cyber-Physical Systems - SEI Blog

Design of Software Rejuvenation for CPS Security Using Invariant Sets - Conference Paper

Mixed-Trust Computing for Real-Time Systems - Conference Paper

uber eXtensible Micro-Hypervisor Framework - Software

Rapid Certifiable Trust - Presentation

Rapid Certifiable Trust - Poster

Rapid Certifiable Trust - Video

Building Damage Assessment Dataset Advances Machine Learning for Disaster Recovery

Creating xBD: A Dataset for Assessing Building Damage from Satellite Imagery - Academic Paper

xBD Dataset - Software

SEI to Transition AI Expertise to Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Community - SEI News

AI in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response - Podcast

SEI Researchers Help Design xView2 Machine Learning Competition - SEI News

The SEI Helps Shape Software Acquisition Policy Reform

Modernizing DoD Software Production - Presentation

Software Acquisition and Practices (SWAP) Study - Report

Updated Pharos Binary Analysis Framework Speeds Malware Analysis

Pharos Binary Static Analysis Tools Released on GitHub - SEI Blog

Pharos - Software

Using Logic Programming to Recover C++ Classes and Methods from Compiled Executables - Article

Path Finding in Malicious Binaries: First in a Series - SEI Blog

Using OOAnalyzer to Reverse Engineer Object Oriented Code with Ghidra - SEI Blog

SEI’s CERT Division Releases New Version of Pharos Toolset - SEI News

SEI Report Reveals the State of U.S. Cyber Intelligence

Cyber Intelligence Tradecraft Report: The State of Cyber Intelligence Practices in the United States - Collection

Cyber Intelligence Report Outlines Best Practices and Biggest Challenges - Press Release

Cyber Intelligence: Best Practices and Biggest Challenges - Podcast

Bolstering Security with Cyber Intelligence - SEI Blog

Cyber Intelligence Study - Web Page

Cybersecurity Professionals Flex Their Muscles in SEI-Developed Competition

2019 President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition - Web Page

DevSecOps Takes DoD Software Development to the Next Level

The CERT DevSecOps Model: Building Secure Applications - Brochure

Build Secure Applications with DevSecOps - Video

DevSecOps Implementation in the DoD: Barriers and Enablers - Webinar

DevSecOps Process and Implementation - Course

Building International Cybersecurity Capacity

CSIRT Resources - Collection

Cybersecurity Center Development - Web Page

Engaging the CSIRT Community: Cyber Capacity Building on a Global Scale - SEI Blog

Annual FIRST Conference on Computer Security Incident Handling - Web Page

NatCSIRT - Web Page

Predicting the Future of Quantum Computing

Verifying and Validating Mission-Critical Systems Using Quantum Computing - Web Page

What’s Going on with Near-Term Quantum Computing? - Video

Projecting Quantum Computational Advantage Versus Classical State of the Art - Presentation

Projecting Quantum Computational Advantage Versus Classical State of the Art - Video

Achieving the Quantum Advantage in Software - SEI Blog

Projecting NISQ-era quantum advantage with QAOA - Presentation

Maturity Model Certification to Improve Cybersecurity in the DoD Supply Chain

CMMC—Securing the DIB Supply Chain with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Process - Fact Sheet

An Introduction to the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) - SEI Blog

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Part 2: Process Maturity's Role in Cybersecurity - SEI Blog

Beyond NIST SP 800-171: 20 Additional Practices in CMMC - SEI Blog

The DoD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification and Process Maturity - Webinar

CMMC Scoring Fact Sheet - Fact Sheet

CMMC Levels 1-3: Going Beyond NIST SP-171 - Podcast

Hitting the Ground Running: Reviewing the 17 CMMC Level 1 Practices - Webinar

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification - Web Page

AADL’s Research-to-Practice Pipeline Supports the Army Futures Command

Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL): SEI Resources - Collection

Architecture Analysis and Design Language - Web page

Integrated Safety and Security Engineering for Mission-Critical Systems - Presentation

Integrating Safety and Security Engineering for Mission-Critical Systems (2019) - Poster

Integrating Safety and Security Engineering for Mission-Critical Systems - Video

OSATE - Web Page

Subject: Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) - SEI Blog Category

Managing Technical Debt for Modern Software Development

Managing Technical Debt with Data-Driven Analysis - Web Page

Architectural Technical Debt Library - Collection

Managing Technical Debt: Reducing Friction in Software Development - Book

Automatically Detecting Technical Debt Discussions with Machine Learning - SEI Blog

International Conference on Technical Debt TechDebt 2020 - Web Page

Subject: Technical Debt - SEI Blog Category

Collection Items