Achieving Modular Open System Architectures in DOD Acquisition
Blog Posts
Six Acquisition Pathways for Large-Scale, Complex Systems
How to map technical reference frameworks (TRFs) to the pathways that compose the DoD’s Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF)
• By Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University), Nickolas Guertin
In Software Architecture
Toward Technical Reference Frameworks to Support Large-Scale Systems of Systems
Strategies for creating architectures for large-scale, complex, and interoperable systems of systems that are composed of functions covering a broad range of requirements.
• By Nickolas Guertin, Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
In Software Architecture
Impacts and Recommendations for Achieving Modular Open Systems Architectures --Fifth Post in a Series
In this series of blog posts, adapted from a recently published paper, we sought to demonstrate how layered business and technical architectures can leverage modular component design practices....
• By Nickolas Guertin, Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
In Software Architecture
The Technical Architecture for Product Line Acquisition in the DoD - Fourth in a Series
DoD technologies have traditionally relied on cyber-physical/software-intensive systems that are now widely available to all nations and non-state actors....
• By Nickolas Guertin, Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
In Software Architecture
The Organizational Impact of a Modular Product Line Architecture in DoD Acquisition - Third in a Series
To maintain a strategic advantage over its adversaries, the Department of Defense (DoD) must field new technologies rapidly....
• By Nickolas Guertin, Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
In Software Architecture
Towards a New Model of Acquisition: Product-Line Architectures for the DoD - Second in a Series
It is widely recognized that the Department of Defense (DoD) needs to have a nimble response to nimble adversaries....
• By Nickolas Guertin, Douglas Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
Emerging Opportunities in Modularity and Open Systems Architectures - First in a Series
In its effort to increase the capability of the warfighter, the Department of Defense (DoD) has made incremental changes in its acquisition practices for building and deploying military capacity....