SEI and Heinz College to Host FAIRCON18 Conference

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March 16, 2018—Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy will host the 3rd annual FAIR Conference (FAIRCON18) October 16 – 17 on the CMU campus in Pittsburgh.
The FAIR Institute, nonprofit organization led by information risk officers, CISOs, and business executives that develops standard information and operational risk management practices, helps organizations move from a compliance-based approach to cybersecurity toward a business-aligned, risk-driven methodology.
FAIRCON18 will bring together global leaders in information technology, cybersecurity, and IT management. The CERT Division of the SEI is the world’s leading trusted authority dedicated to improving the security and resilience of computer systems and networks, and highly regarded as a national asset in the field of information security. Heinz College offers the world’s number-one ranked graduate program in information security, policy, and management, as well as groundbreaking executive education programs for CISOs and chief risk officers.
For more information about FAIRCON18, visit