Human-Machine Interactions
Blog Posts
Six Dimensions of Trust in Autonomous Systems
This post chronicles the adoption and growth of autonomous systems and provides six considerations for establishing trust.
Read More•By Paul Nielsen
In Software Engineering Research and Development

Expectations for Implementing DevOps in a Highly Regulated Environment: Second in a Series
This second installment in the blog post series on implementing DevOps in highly regulated environments (HREs), which is excerpted from a recently published paper, discusses the first step in a …
Read More•By Jose A. Morales
In Continuous Deployment of Capability

Best Practices in Network Traffic Analysis: Three Perspectives
In July of this year, a major overseas shipping company had its U.S. operations disrupted by a ransomware attack, one of the latest attacks to disrupt the daily operation of …
Read More•By Angela Horneman, Timothy J. Shimeall, Timur D. Snoke
In Situational Awareness

Obsidian: A New, More Secure Programming Language for Blockchain
Billions of dollars in venture capital, industry investments, and government investments are going into the technology known as blockchain....
Read More•By Eliezer Kanal
In Secure Development

Introducing Atlas: A Prototype for Visualizing the Internet
After 30 years, cyber command centers, educators, and Internet threat intelligence organizations have yet to embrace a standardized, encompassing, and intuitive way to represent the entities and activities of the …
Read More•By Douglas Gardner

Best Practices for Cloud Security
As detailed in last week's post, SEI researchers recently identified a collection of vulnerabilities and risks faced by organizations moving data and applications to the cloud....
Read More•By Donald Faatz
In Cloud Computing

Revealing True Emotions Through Micro-Expressions: A Machine Learning Approach
Micro-expressions--involuntary, fleeting facial movements that reveal true emotions--hold valuable information for scenarios ranging from security interviews and interrogations to media analysis....
Read More•By Satya Venneti
In Artificial Intelligence Engineering

Machine Learning and Insider Threat
This SEI Blog post discusses machine learning in detecting insider threats, benefits of early detection, and importance of comprehensive insider threat programs.
Read More•By Daniel L. Costa
In Artificial Intelligence Engineering

What Is Bitcoin? What Is Blockchain?
This SEI Blog post introduces and explains the fundamentals of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.
Read More•By Eliezer Kanal

Machine Learning in Cybersecurity
In this post I introduce the concept of machine learning, explain how machine learning is applied in practice, and touch on its application to cybersecurity throughout the article.
Read More•By Eliezer Kanal
In Artificial Intelligence Engineering