Software Engineering Workshop for Educators 2022 Opens Registration

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June 8, 2022—The SEI’s Software Engineering Workshop for Educators returns August 2-4. Accredited college-level educators can attend in person at the SEI in Pittsburgh or virtually for the afternoon sessions. In-person or virtual participants can register to attend free of charge.
The workshop includes two days of training on software engineering topics and a final day of interactive, educator-led sessions. In-person participants can share their experiences and artifacts, such as curriculum materials, in the morning sessions.
The hybrid sessions, for both in-person and virtual attendees, will occur each afternoon. SEI facilitators Robert Nord, a senior member of the SEI technical staff, and Grace Lewis, principal researcher and lead of the Tactical and AI-Enabled Systems (TAS) initiative, will kick off the first afternoon with a review of new research from the SEI, including work on technical debt.
Trainings make up the bulk of the hybrid sessions. They feature Christian Kästner of Carnegie Mellon University, who will lead a training on teaching software engineering to data scientists. Marc Novakouski and Kevin Pitstick, both from the SEI, will lead a session on software engineering challenges and opportunities in edge computing. Carnegie Mellon University’s Eunsuk Kang will focus on teaching software design. In the final hybrid session, the participating educators will lead the conversation and breakout groups.
The 2022 workshop marks a return to in-person attendance after two years of virtual-only participation. Those virtual events had the most geographically dispersed audiences of the workshop’s 18-year history. This year’s hybrid sessions will again allow participation by those for whom travel to Pittsburgh is a barrier.
“We decided on a partial hybrid format to include the wider international community in the training sessions and breakout room discussion on practices for virtual and hybrid teaching,” said Nord. “However, we are excited to welcome educators back to the SEI this year. The online format is no substitute for face-to-face sharing of experiences, ideas, and tangible artifacts for introducing software engineering topics into college curricula.”
Register for the 2022 Software Engineering Workshop for Educators online through July 26. Registration must include a university letter affirming that the registrant is an active educator in software engineering, computer science, or a related field. Learn more about the workshop on our website.