DevSecOps Days 2022 Opens Registration, Call for Speakers

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March 17, 2022—Registration is open for DevSecOps Days 2022, a series of three free, virtual conferences about integrating security into DevOps practices. Attendees will learn from fellow practitioner successes, discover ideas on integrating security into their teams, and leave with insights on automating security within the entire developer and production pipeline.
DevSecOps Days is a series of global one- and two-day conferences helping to educate, evolve, and explore concepts around developing security as code. The DevSecOps Days Community, a group of international volunteers that provide a central hub of DevSecOps resources, coordinates the series and has partnered with the SEI on three DevSecOps Days this year: Pittsburgh on April 27, Los Angeles on July 27, and Washington, D.C., on October 12. All three events will be held virtually.
The call for speakers for the Pittsburgh event in April is also open. DevSecOps practitioners should submit abstracts for a 30-minute presentation on developing security as code by March 20.
Watch the DevSecOps Days website for updates on event programs and speakers. Videos and presentations from 2020 and 2021 DevSecOps Days are also available.
Register online separately for DevSecOps Days Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. Registration will remain open through the day of the event.