Three Variations on the V Model for System and Software Testing
• Podcast
Software Engineering Institute
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The importance of verification and validation (especially testing) is a major reason that the traditional waterfall development cycle underwent a minor modification to create the V model that links early development activities to their corresponding later testing activities. In this podcast, Don Firesmith introduces three variants on the V model of system or software development that make it more useful to testers, quality engineers, and other stakeholders interested in the use of testing as a verification and validation method.
About the Speaker

Suzanne Miller
Suzanne Miller is an SEI alumni employee.
Suzanne Miller is a principal researcher at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University in the Continuous Deployment of Capability Directorate. Miller actively supports multiple large DoD cyber-physical programs in their Agile/Lean adoption efforts, in addition to designing and teaching Agile courses …
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