The State of the Practice of Cyber Intelligence
• Podcast
Software Engineering Institute
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In 2012, representatives from the government approached the SEI Innovation Center about conducting research to assess the state of the practice of cyber intelligence. The overall intent is to expose industry to the best practices in capabilities and methodologies developed by the government, and for the government to learn from the process efficiencies and tools used in industry. In areas where both the government and industry are experiencing challenges, the SEI can leverage its expertise to develop and prototype innovative technologies and processes that can benefit all participants in the program. In this podcast, Troy Townsend and Jay McAllister discuss their findings with Suzanne Miller, a researcher at the SEI.
About the Speaker
Suzanne Miller
Suzanne Miller is a principal researcher at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University in the Continuous Deployment of Capability Directorate. Miller actively supports multiple large DoD cyber-physical programs in their Agile/Lean adoption efforts, in addition to designing and teaching Agile courses and workshops tuned to government settings. Miller …
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