Managing Operational Resilience
• Newsletter
This June 3, 2015 SEI Bulletin talks about a new blog post written by Julia H. Allen, Pamela Curtis, and Nader Mehravar.
Software Engineering Institute
This blog post, "Managing Operational Resilience," by Julia H. Allen, Pamela Curtis, and Nader Mehravari, presents challenges for managing operational resilience and recommended practices for helping organizations manage operational resilience. The bulletin includes a link to the blog post.
In this issue:
2014 SEI Year in Review Available for Download SEI Podcast Series: Introduction to the Mission Thread Workshop SEI Blog: SPRUCE Series: Managing Operational Resilience CERT Alignment with Cyber COI Challenges and Gaps, Virtual Event - June 23, 2015 12th SEI Architecture-Centric Engineering Workshop for Educators SEI Jobs Training Opportunities