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Is Java More Secure Than C?

This February 24, 2016 SEI Bulletin talks about a new podcast featuring David Svoboda.

Software Engineering Institute


When researchers on the CERT Secure Coding Team began writing the CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java, they thought that Java would require fewer secure coding rules than the CERT C Coding Standard because Java was designed with security in mind. However, Java has 168 coding rules compared to just 116 for C. Why? Svoboda analyzes secure coding rules for both C and Java to determine if they indeed refute the conventional wisdom that Java is more secure than C. The bulletin includes a link to the podcast.

In This Issue:

  • 12th SATURN Technical Program Explores Cutting-Edge Methods and Essential Skills for Software Architects
  • SEI Podcast Series: Is Java More Secure Than C?
  • SEI Blog: Structuring the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Organization
  • Events: SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference Registration Open
  • SEI Jobs
  • Training Opportunities