Identifying the Architectural Roots of Vulnerabilities
• Podcast
Software Engineering Institute
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In our studies of many large-scale software systems, we have observed that defective files seldom exist alone. They are usually architecturally connected, and their architectural structures exhibit significant design flaws that propagate bugginess among files. We call these flawed structures the architecture roots, a type of technical debt that incurs high maintenance penalties. Removing the architecture roots of bugginess requires refactoring, but the benefits of refactoring have historically been difficult for architects to quantify or justify. In this podcast, Rick Kazman and Carol Woody discuss an approach to model and analyze software architecture as a set of design rule spaces). Using data extracted from the project’s development artifacts, this approach identifies the files implicated in architecture flaws and suggest refactorings based on removing these flaws.
About the Speaker

Carol Woody
Dr. Carol Woody has been a senior member of the technical staff since 2001. Currently she is the technical manager for the Cyber Security Engineering (CSE) team, whose research focuses on meeting the challenges of cyber security in acquisition, system and software engineering. CSE is building capabilities in defining, acquiring, …
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