Engineering Realistic Synthetic Insider Threat (Cyber-Social) Test Data
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Software Engineering Institute
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Watch Kurt Wallnau present on engineering realistic synthetic insider threat test data from the virtual event Managing the Insider Threat: What Every Organization Should Know.
Dr. Kurt Wallnau joined the SEI in 1993. He joined CERT Science of Cyber-Security (SoCS) in 2012 and is currently PI of the DARPA/ADAMS Red Team. Kurt has led and contributed to many SEI efforts to advance the theory and practice of software engineering. From 2010-12 he contributed to NSF's XSEDE program, defining its software and systems engineering process and from 2011-12 was manager of software development. Prior to that Kurt was PI of SEI's Predictable Assembly from Certifiable Components (PACC) initiative, which integrated software model checking, real-time analysis, and program generation to create software with predictable runtime behavior backed by verifiable evidence.
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