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What is System Resilience?

Headshot of Donald Firesmith

Over the past decade, system resilience (a.k.a., system resiliency) has been widely discussed as a critical concern, especially in terms of data centers and cloud computing. It is also vitally important to cyber-physical systems, although the term is less commonly used in that domain. Everyone wants their systems to be resilient, but what does that actually mean? And how does resilience relate to other quality attributes, such as availability, reliability, robustness, safety, security, and survivability? Is resilience a component of some or all of these quality attributes, a superset of them, or something else? If we are to ensure that systems are resilient, we must first know the answer to these questions and understand exactly what system resilience is.

As part of work on the development of resilience requirements for cyber-physical systems, I recently completed a literature study of existing standards and other documents related to resilience. My review revealed that the term resilience is typically used informally as though its meaning were obvious. In those cases where it was defined, it has been given similar, but somewhat inconsistent, meanings.

Another issue I found was that the term resilience is used in two very different senses. The scope of this blog post, the first in a two-part series, focuses on system resilience and not organizational resilience, which has a much larger scope. Organizational resilience is primarily concerned with business continuity and includes the management of people, information, technology, and facilities. For more information on organizational resilience (with an emphasis on process and cybersecurity), see the CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM).

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