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ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice... and Columns!

We at CERT are very proud of our collaboration with ACM to create the journal ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice. One of the goals of the journal is to facilitate the communication between researchers and practitioners in the field of Cybersecurity. We have two columns to aid us in achieving this goal.

The first column is called "With the Benefit of Hindsight".

Adjusting from past experience--both mistakes and successes--is an important facet for researchers and practitioners in the field of cybersecurity. The goal of this column is to consider past security events and reflect on how they changed the security landscape. We ask the authors to consider themes such as:

• Lessons learned--and difficulties faced
• How would the event be approached differently in today's cybersecurity climate?
• Has the landscape changed significantly since the event? In a good or bad way?
• What further development remains to be done?
• Would the author have changed anything, knowing what is known today?

The topic also applies to authors of seminal works and papers. Learning from past mistakes and planning for the future is an important part of any research topic.

The second column is called "Leaving the Laboratory: Putting Research into Practice".

In this column a practitioner would examine a peer-reviewed research article from a recent issue of the publication and provide his or her insight with respect to implementing that research. Thus taking the research into practice.

Other possible topics of this column are general concerns for both researchers and practitioners that relate to doing research effectively. For example, considering sample bias and how it affects research or examining actual changes seen in the security landscape as a result of researchers and practitioners collaborating.

If you are interested in contributing to the journal by writing a column, please contact the editors of the journal at

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