SATURN Conference Announces Additional Keynote, Conference Scholarships
• Press Release
Media Contact
Richard Lynch
Pittsburgh, Pa., April 8, 2014—The SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) 2014 Conference today announced an additional keynote speaker and a partnership with five Portland technical organizations to offer scholarships for free conference attendance. SATURN 2014 is being held May 5-9 in Portland, Oregon.
SATURN 2014, which will be held at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel, is designed for practitioners who are responsible for producing robust software architectures as well as for those who view software architecture as a critical element in the achievement of their business or organizational missions.
The conference's technical committee is working with five Portland technical organizations to provide scholarships for free attendance. Organizations are Portland Code School, Portland Code Scouts, PDX Women in IT, PDX Code Guild, and ChickTech.
Dianne Marsh, a Director of Engineering for Netflix in Los Gatos, Calif., will present a keynote talk on how to engineer velocity. "We realize," she says that there's a tension between the availability of our service and our speed of innovation. If we move slowly, we can be very available—but that's not a good business proposition. If we move fast, we risk downtime—and that might annoy our customers. But what if we could increase our velocity without significantly impacting availability?"
The trick, she says, is weaving together tooling and culture with software development to expose and elevate highly effective practices.
Marsh's is one of four keynote presentations at the conference. The conference offers an exciting and intellectually stimulating program that will also include keynote presentations by
- Joe Justice of Scrum Inc., and Team Wikispeed, which built a 100+ mpg car in less than three months for the X-Prize using Agile, Lean, and Scrum: (see
- Jerome Pesenti, Vice President of Watson Core Technology at IBM and former co-founder of Vivisimo, the innovate search solutions company
- Bill Opdyke, Architecture Lead (Corporate Internet Group) at J.P. Morgan Chase, who is best known for having done the first in-depth study of code re-factoring as a software engineering technique
Also participating in SATURN this year will be Diana Larsen (, who will facilitate an Open Space event that will run concurrently with the conference and provide a valuable forum for networking and sharing of ideas and solutions.
In addition to the keynote and Open Space sessions, the SATURN 2014 Conference includes an extensive program of technical sessions on the themes of Technology, Methods and Tools, and Leadership and Business. SATURN 2014 will also offer practical tutorials, one two-day SEI course, and two one-day SEI courses. The conference provides attendees with the opportunity to network with international industry leaders in software architecture.
For the fifth year, IEEE Software magazine will collaborate with the SEI on the SATURN Conference. The extended collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society-produced magazine continues to enhance the conference experience for participants with talks by IEEE Software board members, networking events, and speaker awards.
Conference registration is open. To register or for more information, visit
About SATURN 2014
Each year, the SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference brings together experts from around the world to discuss architecture-centric practices for developing, acquiring, and maintaining software-reliant systems. Architects at all levels meet to share ideas, network, and learn about new and existing technologies. The SATURN 2014 Conference is being held in collaboration with IEEE Software magazine. For more information, go to
About the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense and operated by Carnegie Mellon University. The SEI helps organizations make measurable improvements in their software engineering capabilities by providing technical leadership to advance the practice of software engineering. For more information, visit the SEI website at
About the IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Computer Society, the publisher of IEEE Software magazine, is the world's leading computing membership organization and the trusted information and career-development source for a global workforce of technology leaders including professors, researchers, software engineers, IT professionals, employers, and students. The unmatched source for technology information, inspiration, and collaboration, IEEE Computer Society is the source that computing professionals trust to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art information on demand. IEEE Computer Society provides a wide range of forums for top minds to come together, including technical conferences, publications, a comprehensive digital library, unique training webinars, professional training, and a TechLeader Training Partner Program to help organizations increase their staff's technical knowledge and expertise. To find out more about the community for technology leaders, visit