Kruchten Named Recipient of 2020 Linda M. Northrop Software Architecture Award

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May 18, 2020—Philippe Kruchten of the University of British Columbia has been selected as the recipient of the Linda M. Northrop Software Architecture Award. The award is given to an individual or team that has used software architecture to significantly improve practices, outcomes, or both in an organization or in the software-development community. Kruchten will deliver a webcast, introduced by Linda Northrop, called “Software Architecture: A Mature Discipline?” at 1 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, June 2. [UPDATE: Watch the archived video of Kruchten’s webcast.]
Kruchten has been a significant member of the international software architecture community for more than 30 years. Specializing in large, software-intensive systems design, Kruchten directed the development of the Rational Unified Process, an iterative software development process framework, and developed the 4+1 Architectural View Model. His contributions as a pioneering practitioner, a thought leader, an author, and an educator have advanced the recognition of software architecture as an important topic for practitioners.
“I’m truly honored by this award,” said Kruchten. “For the last 30 years I’ve always considered the SEI as the world beacon of software architecture. So many great developments and community initiatives originated there, and much of it under the leadership of Linda Northrop. This means a lot to me.”
To join the webcast on June 2, visit
For more information on the award, visit