Weaving a Fabric of Trust: Ensured Security, Privacy, Resilience, and Accountability
• Webcast
Software Engineering Institute
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Today, we worry about attacks from cyber adversaries, malicious activities, insiders, a capable nation state, risks to systems and information, and so on. It’s a tall order to thwart the myriad threats, especially when our task is compounded by deficient legacy technologies and emerging new technologies. However, the key social and business issue is TRUST. Together, security, privacy, resilience, and accountability build trust.
During this webinar, Dr. Shannon examined the questions, science, and technology that builds trust with customers, other organizations, and society to ensure their security and privacy, and our own resilience and accountability. He will describe how such “ensurance” can be sustained now and for the long run, and how to weave a stronger fabric of trust in IT operations.
What Attendees Will Learn
- How security, privacy, resilience, and accountability work together to build TRUST
- The meaning of ENSURE, how it differs from assure and insure, and its role in building trust
- How to identify EMERGING technologies that ensure security, privacy, resilience, or accountability
About the Speaker

Greg Shannon
Greg Shannon is an SEI alumni employee.
Dr. Greg Shannon received a BS in Computer Science from Iowa State University with minors in mathematics, economics, and statistics. He earned his MS and PhD in Computer Sciences at Purdue University, with a Packard Foundation fellowship. He is a member of the …
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