The FAA Research Project: Effects of System Complexity on Aircraft Safety
• Collection
Software Engineering Institute
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This collection describes research conducted for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to define complexity measures for use in assessing the safety of avionics systems. These complexity measures are intended to help the FAA identify when systems are too complex to assure their safety.
The project began with a literature review of what is known about complexity, its causes, and its impacts. We used this review to define complexity for software-reliant avionics systems. Next, we identified candidate measures of complexity for systems with embedded software that relate to safety, assurability, or both. After we had some candidate measures, we studied the impact of complexity on safety and estimated assurance cases to test the identified metrics. The most important output of this research is a complexity formula that enables a program to estimate the amount of effort that demonstrating safety will require.
The following papers are the output of this two-year project for the FAA. The final report, Definition and Measurement of Complexity in the Context of Safety Assurance, published October 2016, summarizes the results of the project. The other reports describe interim steps and results.
Collection Items

Definition and Measurement of Complexity in the Context of Safety Assurance
• Technical Report
By Sarah Sheard, Michael D. Konrad, Charles Weinstock, Bill Nichols
This report describes research to define complexity measures for avionics systems to help the FAA identify when systems are too complex to assure their safety.
FAA Research Project on System Complexity Effects on Aircraft Safety: Literature Search to Define Complexity for Avionics Systems
• White Paper
By Michael D. Konrad, Sarah Sheard
This special report describes the results of a literature review sampling what is known about complexity for application in the context of safety and assurance.
FAA Research Project on System Complexity Effects on Aircraft Safety: Candidate Complexity Metrics
• White Paper
By Bill Nichols, Sarah Sheard
This special report identifies candidate measures of complexity for systems with embedded software that relate to safety, assurance, or both.
FAA Research Project on System Complexity Effects on Aircraft Safety: Identifying the Impact of Complexity on Safety
• White Paper
By Sarah Sheard, Charles Weinstock, Michael D. Konrad, Donald Firesmith
This report organizes our work on the impact of software complexity on aircraft safety by asking, “How can complexity complicate safety and, thus, certification?”
FAA Research Project on System Complexity Effects on Aircraft Safety: Estimating Complexity of a Safety Argument
• White Paper
By Michael D. Konrad, Sarah Sheard, Charles Weinstock, Bill Nichols
This report presents a formula for estimating the complexity of an avionics system and directly connects that complexity to the size of its safety argument.
FAA Research Project on System Complexity Effects on Aircraft Safety: Testing the Identified Metrics
• White Paper
By Michael D. Konrad, Sarah Sheard, Charles Weinstock, Bill Nichols
This report describes a test of an algorithm for estimating the complexity of a safety argument.