Solving Current Cyber Challenges: Academic and Industry Collaboration
• Webcast
Software Engineering Institute
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The chasm between what academia researches and what industry uses in cyber is wide. By building mutually beneficial collaborations between the two, we can improve algorithms, datasets and techniques that are applicable to the real-world. Students and researchers should build a solid partnership with professionals early in their career to be exposed to and ground their work in current industry challenges. This ultimately results in more research being transformed into practical solutions.
Collaborations between academia and industry is one of the best ways for industry to direct academic research outcomes to solve current problems. Without collaborations it can be challenging for academia to produce algorithms, datasets and techniques that are directly applicable for real-world problems. Students and researchers have to build a working loop with the professionals early in their carrier to maximize the relevance of their work in practice, which ultimately results in more research being transformed to practical solutions.
What Will Attendees Learn?
- The need for platforms that bring industry and academia together to exchange problems and potential solutions capitalizing on what strengths each side can give. i.e. academia - dedicated research, industry - defining the problem space as a practitioner
- Collaborations can give industry professionals novel paradigms and help them to approach their problems differently.
- The importance of validation of academic work by the industry in addition to the peer reviewed publications.
About the Speaker
Timothy J. Shimeall
Dr. Timothy Shimeall is a senior member of the technical staff with the CERT Network Situational Awareness Group of the Software Engineering Institute, where he is responsible for overseeing and participating in the development of analysis methods in the area of network systems security and survivability. This work includes development …
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