SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard: Rules for Developing Safe, Reliable, and Secure Systems (2016 Edition)
• CERT Research Report
Software Engineering Institute
We coordinate developing secure coding standards by working with researchers, language experts, and software developers in the Secure Coding Wiki. More than 1,900 contributors and reviewers develop rules and recommendations for C, C++, Java, and Perl.
The 2016 edition of the SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard: Rules for Developing Safe, Reliable, and Secure Systems identifies the root causes of today's most widespread software vulnerabilities, shows how they can be exploited, reviews the potential consequences, and presents secure alternatives.
This standard complements the Secure Coding in C and C++ Professional Certificate Program, which helps you increase the security of your software and reduce vulnerabilities in the programs you develop.
This online download is available for free to promote the adoption of secure coding standards for C++.
Part of a Collection
SEI CERT C and C++ Coding Standards