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PSP for the 21st Century: Block 4

Educational Material
These are the course materials for Block 4 of PSP for the 21st Century, a modular, flexible introduction to using Watts Humphrey's Personal Software Process (PSP).

Software Engineering Institute


These are the course materials for Block 4 of PSP for the 21st Century, a modular, flexible introduction to using Watts Humphrey's Personal Software Process (PSP).

Block 4: Modules 12-16

  • Module 12: Quality by Design
  • Module 13: Describe the Problem
  • Module 14: State the Problem
  • Module 15: Structure the Solution
  • Module 16: Implement the Logic

Module 12, “Quality by Design,” begins by talking about common design problems that are difficult to find in code mainly because they reflect issues of incorrect or incomplete design. Module 13, “Describe the Problem,” focuses on the external-dynamic design view with the UML use case (external to software system) or sequence diagram (external to individual software modules). Module 14, “State the Problem,” looks at the internal-dynamic views captured by state charts (sometimes called state diagrams) or state transition tables. Module 15, “Structure the Problem,” introduces the external-static view of design. Module 16, “Implement the Logic,” speaks to the internal-static design view.