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Japanese Language Translation of CMMI for Development, V1.3

White Paper
Japanese Language Translation of CMMI for Development, V1.3

Software Engineering Institute

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CMMI for Development V1.3 is now available in a Japanese language translation. The translation was sponsored by JASPIC (Japan SPI Consortium). The translation was performed and verified by JASPIC CMMI V1.3 translation project.

『開発のためのCMMI 1.3版』の日本語翻訳版は、ここから入手することができます。 この日本語訳は、日本SPIコンソーシアム(JASPIC)の援助を受けて、「日本SPIコンソーシアム(JASPIC)CMMI V1.3翻訳研究会」により翻訳および検証が行われました。

Please note that current and future CMMI research, training, and information has been transitioned to the CMMI Institute, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Carnegie Mellon University.