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Engineering Realistic Synthetic Insider Threat (Cyber-Social) Test Data

In this webinar, Kurt Wallnau discusses insider threat controls and how to test systems whose dynamics are based in human nature that is only partially understood.

Software Engineering Institute

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Watch Kurt Wallnau present on engineering realistic synthetic insider threat test data from the virtual event Managing the Insider Threat: What Every Organization Should Know.

Dr. Kurt Wallnau joined the SEI in 1993. He joined CERT Science of Cyber-Security (SoCS) in 2012 and is currently PI of the DARPA/ADAMS Red Team. Kurt has led and contributed to many SEI efforts to advance the theory and practice of software engineering. From 2010-12 he contributed to NSF's XSEDE program, defining its software and systems engineering process and from 2011-12 was manager of software development. Prior to that Kurt was PI of SEI's Predictable Assembly from Certifiable Components (PACC) initiative, which integrated software model checking, real-time analysis, and program generation to create software with predictable runtime behavior backed by verifiable evidence.

About the Speaker

Kurt Wallnau

Kurt C. Wallnau

Kurt Wallnau is an SEI alumni employee.

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