Competency Development and Workforce Readiness
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Software Engineering Institute
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Workforce effectiveness relies on two critical characteristics: competence and readiness. Our work in competency development is designed to help organizations improve their training and development programs. Our researchers identify and document cybersecurity competencies within organizations. As these competencies are identified, the organization begins to understand that competence is not readiness.
Collection Items

Software Assurance Competency Model
• Technical Note
By Thomas B. Hilburn (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Mark A. Ardis (Stevens Institute of Technology), Glenn Johnson ((ISC)2), Andrew J. Kornecki (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), Nancy R. Mead
In this report, the authors describe a model that helps create a foundation for assessing and advancing the capability of software assurance professionals.
Competency Lifecycle Roadmap: Toward Performance Readiness
• Technical Note
By Sandra Behrens, Christopher J. Alberts, Robin Ruefle
In this report, the authors describe the Competency Lifecycle Roadmap (CLR), a preliminary roadmap for understanding and building workforce readiness.
A Systematic Approach for Assessing Workforce Readiness
• Technical Report
By Christopher J. Alberts, David McIntire
In this report, the authors present the Competency Lifecycle Roadmap and the readiness test development method, both used to maintain workforce readiness.
The Software Assurance Competency Model: A Roadmap to Enhance Individual Professional Capability
• White Paper
By Nancy R. Mead, Dan Shoemaker (University of Detroit Mercy)
In this paper, the authors describe a software assurance competency model that can be used by professionals to improve their software assurance skills.
CMMI-Based Professional Certifications: The Competency Lifecycle Framework
• Special Report
By Sandra Behrens, Steve Masters, Judah Mogilensky
This report describes how a competency life-cycle framework can be used as the basis for the CMMI-based professional certifications.
FAQ: Collaboration Between the CERT Coordination Center and Computer Security Incident Response Teams Worldwide
• Brochure
By Software Engineering Institute
This FAQ answers questions related to the collaboration between the CERT/CC and CSIRTs worldwide.
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