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CMU SEI Research Review 2021 Welcome and Keynote Address with Heidi Shyu

Paul Nielsen and Tom Longstaff introduce the CMU SEI Research Review 2021 and Heidi Shyu presents the keynote address.

Software Engineering Institute

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The Software Engineering Institute's CEO Paul Nielsen and CTO Tom Longstaff welcome attendees to the 2021 CMU SEI Research Review event and provide an overview of the content that will be covered.

Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), then presents the CMU SEI Research Review 2021 keynote. In this role, she serves as the Chief Technology Officer for the Department of Defense (DoD), mandated with ensuring the technological superiority of the U.S. military, and is responsible for the research, development, and prototyping activities across the DoD enterprise. She also oversees the activities of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), the Space Development Agency (SDA), the DoD Laboratory and Engineering Center enterprise, and the Under Secretariat staff focused on developing advanced technology and capability for the U.S. military.