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Automated Test and Re-Test (ATRT) Utilizing AADL/SysML Models

This presentation by Shawn Kline, John Hudak, and Andrew O'Neill was given virtually at AADL/ACVIP User Days 2021.

Software Engineering Institute



AADL/ACVIP User Days 2021 was hosted by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and held virtually on February 3-4, 2021. AADL/ACVIP User Days is a free two-day virtual forum to present the latest on the Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL), the Architecture-Centric Virtual Integration Process (ACVIP), and associated tools. This presentation by Shawn Kline, John Hudak, and Andrew O'Neill was given virtually at AADL/ACVIP User Days 2021.

Analysis tools and techniques have been developed to automatically verify requirements based on AADL architectural models. To address the verification of requirements against the implemented and running system, we have created an Automated Test and Re-Test (ATRT) capability to create verification tests directly from an AADL system model. The results from both the model verification and the verification based on run-time data provide the basis for an overall system assurance. The ATRT software suite reads in recorded data from the System Under Test (SUT) and automatically evaluates the system behavior and requirements as specified in an AADL model. ATRT is built using an MBSE approach, originally using Systems Modeling Language (SysML). This effort extended ATRT into interfacing/working with architecture models in AADL. An ATRT/AADL solution will yield long-term cost and quality benefits, increase test coverage, and reduce the timeline between software freeze and certification.

Shawn Kline is Chief Systems Engineer at Innovative Defense Technologies. Shawn Kline has over 20 years of systems engineering experience developing and working on advanced sensors, radar control software, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), and automated analysis of real-time systems. Since joining IDT, Mr. Kline has applied his skills to combat systems requirement analysis/synthesis, SysML modeling, and automated testing to evolve ATRT across multiple DoD platforms including: Aegis, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Surface Warfare (SUW) Mission Package (MP), SQQ-89, Common Control Station (CCS), MQ-25, and Link-16.

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