Dawn Cappelli
Dawn Cappelli is an SEI alumni employee.
Dawn Cappelli is Senior Member of the Technical Staff in CERT at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute (SEI). She has over 25 years experience in software engineering, including programming, technical project management, information security, and research. She is technical lead of CERTs insider threat research, including the Insider Threat Study conducted jointly by the U.S. Secret Service and CERT. Other current work includes modeling and simulation projects for risk analysis and communication of impacts of policy decisions, technical security measures, psychological issues, and organizational culture on insider threat. Ms. Cappelli is also adjunct professor in Carnegie Mellon's Heinz College of Public Policy and Management. Ms. Cappelli has been with Carnegie Mellon since 1988. Before joining CERT in 2001, Ms. Cappelli was Director of Engineering for the Information Technology Development Center of Carnegie Mellon Research Institute, led special projects for the university's Computing Services, and worked on projects for the Software Engineering Institutes Information Technology team. Before joining the SEI in 1988, Ms. Cappelli was Software Engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corporation, developing nuclear power plant systems.