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Barbara Laswell

Barbara Laswell is an SEI alumni employee.

Dr. Barbara Laswell is the technical manager and director of the Practices, Development and Training group in the CERT Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). Laswell's work focuses on enhancing the transition of cyber security knowledge through practices and training with the vision of creating an information assurance empowered global workforce. She manages training and education initiatives for organizations in the public and private sectors, both in the U.S. and internationally. Her current responsibilities include assisting organizations and nations in building computer security incident management capabilities and providing the Internet community with practices and methodologies for securing network-based and software intensive systems and for addressing known deficiencies in today's technology. She manages the design, development, delivery, and evaluation of information assurance curricula for technical staff, managers, senior executives, and educators. Currently at the CERT Training and Education Lab, the team is creating a state-of-the-art virtual training environment to provide anytime, anywhere in-depth scenario-based training at the individual, team, and enterprise levels. Laswell received her B.A. degree from the State University of New York at Albany, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University. Her professional research interests focus on knowledge formation, problem-centered instructional design, the design and evaluation of education systems, and learning organizations. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association and the American Society for Training and Development.