2020 Year in Review
Missile Defense Agency Appoints SEI to Technical Direction Agent
During 2020, the SEI was appointed to the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Technical Direction Agent (TDA), a group composed of representatives from multiple federally funded research and development centers that provide strategic MDA mission support. Because of the SEI’s unique mission and an SEI team’s past success in supporting the MDA’s Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) program, the agency named the SEI as the TDA GMD program lead for software engineering and cybersecurity. The appointment came after the SEI GMD Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW), whose final report was issued in February 2020. The QAW provided insights into the GMD software architecture.
As MDA GMD works to modernize its software development approach, the SEI is providing architecture, software, and cybersecurity support, including digital engineering and DevSecOps assistance, which incorporates advice regarding approach, infrastructure, procedures, and metrics.
Photo: U.S. Army
More on Continuous Deployment of Capability from the 2020 Year in Review
DevSecOps Speeds Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Capability
Hasan Yasar, SEI technical director, Continuous Deployment of Capability, and his team provide expertise for implementation of Development Security Operations (DevSecOps) in the DoD.
TwinOps Combines Digital Twins and DevOps for Better Cyber-Physical Systems
To improve cyber-physical system analysis and testing, Hugues and his colleagues combined the SEI’s expertise in model-based engineering (MBE) and DevOps to efficiently deliver systems with increased quality.